Show and Sale

posted on: Friday, April 29, 2011

We had a fabulously successful two day show and sale and we just wanted to share with you some of the juicy jewels. The event raised funds for charities close to our heart, and we are extremely grateful to all of those who came out.

Stay Fabulous,

The Crown Jewels

posted on: Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Although we may not be able to spend "royal money" on jewels, we at CTVC have selected some great pieces to celebrate Friday's Royal Wedding! Inspired by Princess Diana's sapphire and diamond engagement ring, we have pulled a selection of vintage that compliments it. Kate Middleton might even be tempted to start a collection of vintage, herself! Take a look.

Stay Fabulous,

The Untapped Collectible: Victorian Combs

posted on: Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Women truly knew how to adorn themselves in the Victorian and Deco Eras. Their hair ornaments say it all. Just bought a fabulous collection, please check them out! If you can't wear them, put one in a shadow box on the wall!

Stay Fabulous,

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