House & Home

posted on: Friday, September 7, 2012

Several months ago, the editorial staff from House & Home visited me for an interview and photo shoot. It was great fun! I particularly appreciated their respect for the various collections. During the shoot, I was able to view my collection with fresh "eyes". What a terrific team these professionals are. It was a delightful experience. Please take a look at the finished product.

Stay Fabulous,


Aodhnait said...

Congrats on getting published!

We just had a photo shoot in our house - can't wait for the photos to be published!

Zach's Mom (Aiza DeniƱa) said...

Oh I love your collection! It's just an inspiration for me. Though I am collecting rare coins. It's far from what you are collecting. Still, it's wonderful feeling seeing how large your collection is, from bags to jewelries, and what's that at the left side of the image? Oh my god! I'm so excited to have tons of rare coins so I am sometimes buying silver coins to add something up to my small collection.

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